How to Tame a Leopard Gecko

How to Tame a Leopard Gecko -

Leopard geckos are one of the most popular reptilian pets out there today. It is for good reason as they are pretty hardy and, once tamed, with a bit of knowledge, are pretty easy to take care of. The taming process is important as this will allow you to interact with your pet and build a bond between them and you.

So in this brief article, we are going to give you several tips to help you learn how to tame a leopard gecko. Hopefully, this enables you to build a more engaging relationship with your scaly little friend.

Tips to Tame Your Leopard Gecko

The process of taming your gecko is a lot easier to do with a baby gecko than a grown one. Though no matter the age, these tips we are about to give you will work. It just might take a little more effort with a gecko that has already built up a distrust when it comes to humans or bad behaviors from poor handling.

Here are tips to help you tame your leopard gecko.

Let It Get Your Scent

Like with most animals, the way to gain the gecko’s trust is to allow them to get used to your smell. In order to do this, you will need to put your hand in the tank every day for a week or two. A key thing to remember is when you do this, not to make any sudden movements.

You will want to make slow movements and ensure the lizard can see you at all times. This is to be done for no more than 10 minutes a day. If they seem scared or aggressive, then you should remove your hand and try again later.

Nice & Slow

Once they seem to have gotten used to your scent, you can move on to touching the gecko. Make sure you approach from in front of them and do so slowly. Do not pick up but gently pet them from the head and down their back. This should be done daily for several minutes.

Hand Feed Them

While using the tip above, you should begin feeding your leopard gecko by hand. On meal days, you should hold the insects you are feeding them and offer them to the little guy. This helps build positive associations with your scent.

Hold Them

Once they get used to your scent and you touching them, you can begin to pick them up. You will need to move slowly and make sure they can see you at all times. When you go to pick the gecko up, scoop them up under the body and make sure to support their weight. Your other hand should support the other hand. Make sure not to lift them too high.

Use Hands to Build a Bridge

One way you can also handle your gecko is something called hand walking. This is where once you have picked up the gecko, you place your hands next to each other. Then gently urge the lizard to walk to the other hand.

Once they are on that hand, move the free hand to the other side of the current hand they are standing on. This is a good form of exercise for the little guy. Just watch for cues and make sure they aren’t getting ready to make a run for it.

Sample Schedule

Now that you have a few tips on how to tame your leopard gecko, we thought you might like a loose outline of a good timeline for these steps:

  • Wk. 1 – Every day, you should put your hand in the tank for up to 7 minutes. Each day gets a little closer.
  • Wk. 2 – Now, you should be able to get close enough to gently stroke the gecko. Do this once a day for up to 7 minutes. You should also feed your gecko by hand on days where they have meals.
  • Wk. 3 – You should be able to pick the gecko up at this point. Don’t raise them too high; instead, leave your hand pretty low to the ground. Do this for up to 10 minutes.
  • Wk. 4 – This week, you can start picking up the little guy and raising him a little farther off the ground. This should be done for up to 10 minutes.
  • Wk. 5 – Pick the gecko up a little higher this week, every day for up to 15 minutes. You can also start to do a little hand walking.
  • Wk. 6 – Now pick up with your second hand over the top of the gecko. Do this every day for up to 15 minutes. You can also continue hand walking.
  • Wk. 7 – Now, you should handle the gecko for about 15 minutes a day. You can also let them explore a bit. Also, hand walking should be continued.

Final Thoughts

Taming your leopard gecko takes patience and time. If done right, you will find that your scaly friend is more sociable and you will have more meaningful engagements with them.

Best Leopard Gecko Books for Gecko Lovers [2021]

Best Leopard Gecko Books -

Pets teach responsibility, and that is a good thing for both kids and adults alike. Having to care for another creature means you need to really understand the pet and its costs very well. For us, that tends to mean reading as much as you possibly can about them.

From biology or care, having this knowledge will make raising your new friend much easier, and it will allow you to keep them healthy. One pet that seems to be pretty popular is lizards.

When we look at lizards, the cutest and the one we would recommend is the leopard gecko. There are many books out there on this little guy, so we wanted to help you by recommending a few of the books we think are the best leopard gecko books out there.

Best Leopard Gecko Books: 5 Best Picks

Leopard Geckos – Complete Herp Care

Best Leopard Gecko Books for Gecko Lovers [2021] 1

This first edition paperback was written by Gerald and Cindy Merker. The authors each have a Bachelor of Science in zoology and have written several articles on the history and care of reptiles. Within those 128 pages, you will learn about keeping your gecko healthy as well as how to house them and about what they should eat, among a lot of other great information.

Leopard Geckos – Complete Herp Care is well written and easy to read, making it a great option for those who are buying it for a younger child. The book is chock full of amazing facts about leopard geckos and other breeds of geckos as well. Along with the easy to digest body of text, there are colorful pictures. For us, we love this book because it covers everything in one book, and as we said, it is easy for everyone to read.

That being said, if you are looking for a book that is solely about leopard geckos, you will want to look for another book. Half of the book does center on this very popular reptile, but the rest of the book covers other breeds. But for us, that still wasn’t enough to take it off our recommendation list.

The Leopard Gecko Manual (2nd Edition)

Best Leopard Gecko Books for Gecko Lovers [2021] 2

Our next suggestion is a second edition paperback guide that covers habitat, breeding, and health issues, along with tons of other informative subjects you will need to ensure you take care of your scaled friend properly. The Leopard Gecko Manual is a collaborative guide written by Philippe de Vosjoli and a team of experts. The book can be used by the beginner all the way to the more experienced lizard owners.

The 184 pages that make up this leopard gecko guide are chock full of useful information paired with brilliant photographs to help give a visual aid while learning about these beautiful lizards. We like this book as a research tool as well as a quick reference guide when any questions come up.

Like many books about leopard geckos, there are several points in the book when they discuss other breeds. So once again, if you’re a purist and don’t want anything else about other breeds to get in the way, then you might take a look at other options. For us, this happens so little, and the rest of the information is so valuable that it is easy to overlook this, and that is why we recommend it.

Leopard Gecko in Captivity

Best Leopard Gecko Books for Gecko Lovers [2021] 3

From the Professional Breeders Series, Leopard Gecko In Captivity is an excellent resource for those looking to bring a leopard gecko into their lives. Robbie Hamper uses his knowledge to bring us an informative guide on elements ranging from general information to health, disease, and so much more. This book will help any leopard gecko owner find their way to ensuring a healthy habitat and a long life for their pet.

For us, this is more of a book to be partnered with other resources (we will discuss below). But the general information and the pictures are nice touches. You will get a lot from this book. It is a basic book, and for the price, you will definitely get a lot of value.

However, unfortunately, the book was published in 2004, which means that some of the information is out of date. This is what we suggest this guide as a resource but only to be used with other guides. Paired with one of the other books on this list Leopard Gecko in Captivity is a valuable tool.

The Herpetoculture of Leopard Geckos

Best Leopard Gecko Books for Gecko Lovers [2021] 4

The next leopard gecko book is from the same groups that wrote the second book we looked at. Philippe de Vosjoli and his team in The Herpetoculture of Leopard Geckos take a more in-depth and more advanced look at this lizard. Within the 260 pages of this book, they look at sex, genetics, and other breeding topics, also taking on such in-depth topics as social behaviors and cannibalism.

This book is definitely a good read and perfect for those looking to get deeper into the breeding avenue of leopard geckos. Though we wouldn’t suggest just going with this book if you are just getting into leopard geckos, it is definitely one that we recommend to take your leopard gecko care and breeding to the next level. The informative bulk of the book is accompanied by vibrant and beautiful images too.

The advanced nature of this book is the only thing that would keep us from recommending it to everyone. Once again, we love this book, and for those serious leopard gecko enthusiasts, this is a great book, but if you are looking for something to get to help you learn how to care for your new pet, one of the first books is a much better choice.

How to Care for Your Leopard Gecko

Best Leopard Gecko Books for Gecko Lovers [2021] 5

When we were choosing the books we most wanted to share with you, we knew there had to be one that would be quick and easy to read. This book would also need to be suitable for younger readers and novices to take care of leopard geckos. That is why we chose The Leopard Gecko: How to Care For Your Leopard Gecko and Everything You Need To Know To Keep Them Well.

Even though the title is long, it describes exactly what you are going to get with this 50-page guide to caring for your leopard gecko. Dr. Gordon Roberts delivers an informative book that details everything you need to know to make sure you are properly raising your leopard gecko.

There is a lot of information, but it is a short book. Because of this, we feel that some of the information is not as detailed as we would like. Topics like the amount of feed could have been a more prominent section than the book makes it. Other than that, there isn’t much else that we find wrong with this book. It is a great accompaniment gift for that leopard gecko you are thinking of giving the young person in your life.

Final Thoughts

Leopard geckos are a pretty popular pet, and so there is a lot of information out there. This can be found on a website or in one of the books we just recommended. These books are the ones we think are the best out there, and we hope we have helped you find a book that will work for you.

How to Pick Up a Leopard Gecko: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Pick Up a Leopard Gecko -

You may assume that everybody knows how to pick up their own pets, but that may not be the case with a leopard gecko. These animals may very easily drop their tails if you are not careful when you pick them up to clean their home or show them to your friends.

To keep your gecko healthy and happy, you need to know how to pick it up without it getting stressed and dropping that tail. Let’s take a look at how to pick up your leopard gecko without any issues.

Keep on reading if you are not sure and need to find out how to pick up a leopard gecko.

Check For Signs Of Stress

Normally, leopard geckos are not afraid to be handled by their owners, but sometimes, they are just too stressed to be handled. The following are the signs you need to look for when it is time to clean their tank or if you just want to handle them.

Hint: Wash your hands with warm water and antibacterial soap before you handle your leopard gecko.

  • If the animal’s mouth is open, that is a sign of stress.
  • When the gecko’s eyes are fixed on your hands, they are not fully calm.
  • Running away is also a sign that they are not at ease.
  • Hiding is another sign that the animal is a bit frightened or stressed.
  • Dropping a tail is something you do not want them to do, but sometimes, it is unavoidable – they just do it.

Steps of Picking Up Your Leopard Gecko

Step 1: Put Your Hand In the Tank

Put your hand in the tank away from the animal where they can clearly see it and so you can look for any signs of stress. If the above-mentioned signs are there, you should avoid picking up the leopard gecko at that time.

If the gecko is becoming stressed when you put your hand inside the tank, you should consider spending more time with it so it can get used to you. Also, make sure your hands are washed and free of any type of bacteria to keep your gecko safe from diseases.

Step 2: Move Your Hand Towards the Animal

Slowly move your hand in the direction of the animal after it has accepted the presence of your hand inside the tank. Always approach the animal from the front where it can see you so that you do not startle it when you come from behind.

Also, do not reach for the animal from above, as its hiding instincts may kick in. You should also make smooth movements to protect yourself because jerky movements may cause the animal to think your fingers are worms.

Step 3: Scoop Your Hand Under It

As soon as you are close enough to the animal, you should scoop your hand underneath the leopard gecko. You can do this by flattening your hand and then smoothly scooping the animal’s body into the palm of your hand.

This should be done in one smooth, fast movement so that it can not have time to run away and hide from your hand. Also, try not to bump into the legs of the gecko, or else you may startle it or even hurt your leopard gecko.

Step 4: Lift the Leopard Gecko Up

Lift the animal up while you are supporting the whole body with your entire hand to keep it stable and safe. While you are lifting it up, hold the other hand close and gently over the body but not the head.

Don’t press down on the gecko with the other hand because it may startle the animal. It is just there to keep the animal trapped. Hold onto it with both hands until it stops struggling and never grab it by the tail; this will just cause it to drop its tail.

Step 5: Keep the Other Hand Close

As mentioned in the previous step, you should keep the other hand close just in case it wants to run off. While you are holding it, the other hand should be nearby so that you can lightly trap it when it wants to run.

Step 6: Put It Down Gently

After you keep your leopard gecko in your hand for 10 to 15 minutes or you are ready to place it in the new location, put it down. Put your hand flat on the ground and lift the wrist up just enough to slide the gecko off from your hand.

After it gently moves away from your hand, you can go wash your hands to keep you safe from any reptile diseases.


Now that you know how to pick up your leopard gecko, you can use the time to bond with your pet. This is also an essential part of taming your leopard gecko, and these methods can be used for most small animals.

Best Under Tank Heater for Leopard Gecko [2021]

Best Under Tank Heater for Leopard Gecko -

You need the right heating pad for your leopard gecko to keep it healthy and happy all the time. We made a list of some of the best heating pads that will be ideal for your cold-blooded pets.

In the review, we will take a closer look at the unique features attached to each of the heating pads to see what they have to offer. So stay with us to find out which of them will be suitable for your leopard gecko habitat.

Under Tank Heaters for Leopard Gecko Reviews

Under Tank Terrarium Heat Pad From iPower

Best Under Tank Heater for Leopard Gecko [2021] 6

This heating pad is a safe way to provide heat for your leopard gecko whenever it may need it.


The heat mat will not slide around after you place it with the strong 3M adhesive added at the bottom of the pad. This means you can paste it on the surface where you need it, plug it in and forget about it.

A heating film with insulation placed at just the right places will help the pad to heat all over evenly. This way, you will not have cold spots or hot areas, which will not be convenient for your leopard gecko.

This heating pad can be used for a variety of applications where you need evenly distributed heat for your needs. It will also be suitable for a wide range of reptile lizards and amphibians and terrariums.

Unfortunately, this heating pad will not be suitable for large habitats, so you may need to have more than one at your disposal.


  • Made from waterproof materials
  • It is quite easy to clean the pad
  • Will quickly reach maximum temperature
  • Can use with different reptiles


  • Not suitable for a large habitat
  • There is no temperature controller included

Heating Mat For Reptiles From Fluker’s

Best Under Tank Heater for Leopard Gecko [2021] 7

If you need a heating pad for a reasonable size nursery, this mat from Fluker’s is the ideal one to use.


With the large surface area of this heating pad, it is suitable to be used with even the larger tanks for constant heating. It is quite large at 11 by 11 inches, so you will need only one pad for a small or medium tank.

It is made with quite a strong and durable construction, so the heating mat will last for a very long time. You can also easily mount it to the side of the tank if you need to provide more heat for your gecko.

This pad comes with a fast-heating feature to reach the desired temperature in only a few minutes after it is switched on. However, you need to provide your own two-sided tape for wherever you need to place and secure it.

One drawback of this heating mat is that it is not really waterproof, so it might get soaked when in a soggy area.


  • Strong and durable construction
  • Comes with quite a large surface area
  • Quite easy to use with tanks
  • Evenly distributed heat provided


  • The mat is not waterproof
  • There is no decent warranty included with the product

ReptiTherm Under Tank Heating Mat From Zoo Med

Best Under Tank Heater for Leopard Gecko [2021] 8

This mat is easy to use with a simple plug and place. It will provide ample heat for the habitat of your leopard gecko.


This under tank heating pad comes with quite a long power cord included, so you do not need to be adjacent to an outlet. This will help keep your animals safe from electrical accidents that may kill them, adding to the mat’s safety factor.

With the fast 16-watt heating element, it will not take too long to heat the pad to provide ample heat for your animals. It will also provide constant warmth to the nursery or habitat for 24 hours without interruption.

It is super easy to place, and the plug-it-in feature helps for quick and easy heating of the tank. This mat will help to provide a perfect bond to the tank for comfortable heating without heat loss.

Unfortunately, the heating mat will not be suitable for thin plastic tanks as it may cause them to melt.


  • Comes with a long power cord is included
  • 16 Watts heating element
  • It is an uninterrupted heating source
  • Easy plug and play usage


  • Not suitable for thinner plastic tanks
  • The adhesive provided with the mat is permanent

Zoomed Under-Tank Heater From Pet Supply

Best Under Tank Heater for Leopard Gecko [2021] 9

This thick and insulated heating mat will keep your reptiles and geckos warm and healthy all the time.


With quite an affordable price tag attached to it, this heating pad will be in reach of most leopard gecko owners out there. It comes complete with everything that you need to set it up and provide heat for your animals from the go.

It is made from very durable materials to last for a long time and will give many hours of heating to your gecko. Also included with this heating mat are the support legs to lift the tank a bit, so it does not pinch the mat and cable.

You can easily place this heating pad wherever you need to set it without worrying that it will move around. That is because it will stick to any surface you may place it, even to the side of your tank.

However, it only has quite a small heating surface, so you will need more of them for a larger tank.


  • Comes with an affordable price tag attached
  • Very durable materials used
  • Support legs for your tanks included
  • Great for the smaller size glass tanks


  • Comes with a small surface area
  • A thermostat is needed with this heating pad

Reptile Heating Pad From Zilla

Best Under Tank Heater for Leopard Gecko [2021] 10

For the health of your gecko, you need a heating pad like this one to keep it healthy and happy all the time.


This heating pad is easy to use to provide the right heat for your leopard gecko to keep it safe and happy. You just need to place it where you need it, and it will be ready to heat up your pet’s home.

With the energy-efficient materials used to heat the mat, it will quickly and easily reach the ideal temperature for your gecko. This mat is made from carbon fiber materials that will easily and quickly heat up while saving on electricity.

Your reptile and other small animals will be very happy with this heating mat day and night while it keeps them warm. With relatively high temperatures of up to 117 degrees Fahrenheit, you will have a happy and healthy animal.

This heating mat may not be very suitable to be used with wooden tanks, while the adhesive may fail to stay stuck to any surface.


  • Very easy to use
  • Comes with a quick heating feature included
  • Reach quite high temperatures
  • Energy-efficient carbon fiber heating material


  • Not ideal for wooden tanks
  • Will not stay stuck to the surface


The winner in this lineup is the very large Fluker’s heating pad that can be used for a variety of applications. It is also straightforward to use while keeping your pet warm and happy, although it comes with quite a high price tag attached.

The runner up comes with a much lower price tag, ideal for those on a tight budget, but with all the nice features included. That will be the iPower Terrarium heat pad that is made with very durable construction to last a long time.

How to Tell if Your Leopard Gecko is Happy

How to Tell if Your Leopard Gecko is Happy -

When it comes to pets, owners want to make sure they are treating them right and that their little companions are happy. You may think that this is a hard thing to do with a leopard gecko, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

These cute, little, scaly sidekicks have their methods of letting their feelings be seen. It just takes a little more work and knowledge. In this article, we will look at how to tell if your leopard gecko is happy or not. We hope this guide can give you some insight into your gecko’s emotional wellbeing. So without further ado, let’s take a look at how to tell if your leopard gecko is happy.

Is Your Gecko Happy? Signs To Look For

Spotting whether your little guy is happy or not is a lot easier than you think it is. Here are a few of the key signs to look for when determining if your lizard is happy:

  • If your little friend has bright eyes and is alert, then it is probably happy. Does it show interest in everything in and out of its tank? If so, then it is probably feeling good!
  • Is it eating well? A healthy appetite is a sure sign that it is in good health and feeling the love.
  • How does it move? Is it moving around easily without any laboring? If it is, then chances are that it is smiling – you just can’t see it.
  • When you reach in to touch your lizard, does it react? This is another good sign of his happiness level.
  • When your little friend sees you, does it approach the glass?
  • Does your lizard run around and explore its tank?
  • Does your lizard spend equal amounts of time in cool and warm spots in its tank so that its body temp is regulated?

How to Tell If It Is Unhappy

Though understanding if your gecko is happy in its tank and with you is important, there may be something that is more important. Knowing if your leopard gecko is unhappy has more impact on the reptile’s overall health, so here are a few things to look for to tell if your lizard is unhappy.

  • Lethargy – This may be hard to determine, as the little guys sleep a lot, but if the lizard doesn’t move much or does so slowly, it may be unhappy. Also, if it isn’t responsive to touch or movements in and out of its cage, this could be a problem.
  • Not Eating – If you notice that even when you feed it, it seems to not be very hungry, this could be a sign that something is wrong. It could be that your gecko is not feeling good, has been injured, or even that the tank is too cold. If you notice this, watch your gecko and see if it goes to the bathroom. Maybe give it a warm bath. If you still don’t see any bathroom activity, the gecko may be blocked up. In this case, you will want to take your leopard gecko to a vet.
  • Eyes Closed – This is one of the signs of lack of energy, but it can also be caused by the lights of the tank being too bright, which may make the little gecko unhappy.
  • Quick & Erratic Movement – This can mean that the gecko is afraid. When a gecko experiences fear, it is also under a lot of stress. If it is out and about, and this begins to happen, you should get it back to its tank as soon as possible.
  • Waving of the Tail – This body signal is designed to tell you that you need to back off. If this happens when you are handling your lizard, you will want to put it back in its tank, as it is becoming agitated and very unhappy.
How to Tell if Your Leopard Gecko is Happy 11

My Gecko Is Sleeping a lot, Is That a Problem?

Many people think that too much sleeping is a sign that their pets are unhappy. With some, this may be true, but because the leopard gecko is a crepuscular animal, this is not something to be worried about. The gecko is only active for a short period of time, and the rest of the time is spent sleeping.

The trick is knowing what its regular sleep pattern is and when there is something that you need to check out. When you are feeding and touching it, if it shows alertness and activity, you should be fine. However, if the opposite is the case, you should be aware that this probably means that it is unhappy or even ill.

Stressed Out Gecko? What Stresses It Out?

Just like in humans, stress is a sign of situations that are unfavorable or frightening. This is true in the animal kingdom, as well. There are some sure signs that your leopard gecko is feeling a little stressed out or anxious.
Quick rapid movements, tail wagging, glass surfing, and even vocalization are all signs. Some geckos will also refuse to eat. These are signs of stress, and that inevitably leads to an unhappy leopard gecko.

Does being alone stress it out? This is another concern when it comes to stressing your gecko out, but the leopard gecko is actually a bit of a loner in the first place. Don’t worry about loneliness creating stress or even bothering it. Since they are loners, cohabitation with other lizards, even leopard geckos, is not a great idea.

Final Thoughts

There you have it – an answer to how to tell if your leopard gecko is unhappy. Staying alert and keeping an eye out for the signs of happiness and unhappiness can help you keep your little friend healthy and your relationship with it good.

Even with them being loners, they can still be great pets and can bring a lot to your life. Hopefully, this quick guide was full of insight into your gecko’s emotional needs and what you can do to ensure it is always happy and healthy.

How Often Does a Leopard Gecko Shed?

How Often Does a Leopard Gecko Shed -

Leopard geckos are common pets for those looking for something a little less imposing than a dog or cat. However, along with having an alternative pet comes some new factors. One of these is shedding, and sometimes, a first-time reptile owner gets a little freaked out when they see their little guy losing their skin. Is there a reason? Are they sick? These are all common worries.

You don’t have to worry. It is perfectly normal, and in order to alleviate your worries and to answer some of the most commonly asked questions, we thought we would put together a little guide on the leopard gecko and its shedding.
Let’s start with the basics before we get into the more intricate parts of the process.

Shedding – Why Do They Do It?

There are many animals in the world that shed, and a great deal of them are in the reptile kingdom. Shedding is the process by which animals get rid of old skin and replace it with a fresh layer. Even humans shed.

The difference between humans and reptiles is that we shed gradually. However, the leopard gecko completes its shedding process all at once. This process isn’t just to get rid of dead skin cells, though. The shedding process for your leopard gecko allows it to repair and heal wounds and damage to its skin.

Plus, for the younger leopard geckos, it can help them in their growth because reptilian skin has very little elasticity. In order to accommodate its new size, you will find that a gecko will shed quite regularly.

How Often Does a Leopard Gecko Shed? 12

What Does Shedding Look Like?

Understanding the process will help you take care of your gecko properly. The process actually starts a little while before the actual shedding of its skin. A week before shedding, the lizard will begin creating a fluid layer directly under the topmost layer of skin. This fluid will serve as a lubricant, making the shedding process easier.

After the fluid layer is formed, the top layer of skin will begin to loosen a little. At this point in the process, the little guy’s coloring looks dull or even like there is a milky film over his body. Your lizard’s pattern may be harder to see.

Once this part of the process has taken place, it should be a day or so before it will begin to loosen its skin from its body. You may notice your leopard gecko biting at its skin or moving differently than it typically does. All of this is normal. When it finally comes time to shed, your leopard gecko may shed its skin in one complete shell. However, it is most often done in large pieces.

How Often Does a Leopard Gecko Shed? 13

How Often Does a Leopard Gecko Shed?

Like with everything in the animal kingdom, this answer is not exactly straightforward. The rate of shedding differs from lizard to lizard, as there are several factors that play a role in the process. Things like how fast they grow, stress, health, injury, and even reproductive patterns are all factors that can affect the shedding cycle of your leopard gecko.

Even with those factors making a difference, you should look for your gecko to shed every four to eight weeks, especially while it is growing. In the end, the cycle may be different than that, but as long as your gecko is healthy, you shouldn’t worry too much if the cycle is shorter or longer between sheddings.

Issues to Look For

Most leopard geckos shed without any of the problems that many other reptiles suffer from during this process. However, there are a few issues that you should be aware of and know how to fix should they occur.

Here are some issues and how to treat them:

  • The skin near the toes not shedding. The little guy’s toes are very small, and sometimes, the skin will stick to them. If left unattended, this can actually cause the gecko to lose its toes. Make sure you check your lizard’s feet after every shedding to make sure its toes are clear of old sin.
  • The skin near the tail whip not shedding. This area of the lizard is thin, and sometimes old skin may get stuck. Though the lizard won’t lose its tail, make sure to check and see if any old skin is still there.
  • The ventral area is not clear of old skin. When this happens, it can potentially lead to hygiene problems and cause unwanted health concerns. Make sure to check the ventral surface and area to ensure it is clear of old skin.
  • The skin near the eyes not shedding. Unlike other lizards, most geckos don’t have eyelids. Making sure that the gecko sheds skin around this area is key. If the old skin remains, it might lead to infection or injury of the eye.

If you do have a leopard gecko that retains some of the skin like in the issues above, you will want to know how to remove that skin properly. Depending on the location of the skin, the process will differ from sensitive to non-sensitive areas.

For non-sensitive areas like the tail whip, you can start by gently rubbing the area with a damp cloth. Once the edges are lifted, you should be able to pull the skin away gently. Make sure you do it very gently, though, so that you don’t injure the little guy. Repeat the process if needed.

When it comes to the sensitive areas, you will need to take extra care. If you don’t do it right, it could lead to more injuries. For most areas that are sensitive, the best option is to soak the lizard in a small bowl of water and then gently rub the area until the skin comes loose. When it comes to the eyes, you may want to visit a vet and let them handle the most delicate of locations.

Final Thoughts

Understanding your leopard gecko’s shedding cycle, issues that could arise, and how to handle them is vital to ensure you keep a healthy and happy little friend. Hopefully, with the information above, you feel better prepared to handle this part of being a lizard owner.

Best Substrates for Leopard Gecko (and Substrates to Avoid)

Best Substrates for Leopard Gecko -

While arranging a tank for your Leopard Gecko shouldn’t be anything too complicated, there is one controversial question about which substrate is the best. Unfortunately, the answer is not as simple as you might think, as you will need to consider a few different factors, such as cleanliness, price, longevity, safety, and how well it mimics the natural habit.

What you will want to look for is a product that is safe, closely mimics the natural habit, and is easy to maintain. Considering these few points, you might think that a bioactive substrate is your best choice. However, if you are just starting out with your Leopard Gecko experience, then you may want to find something that is easier to clean.

Additionally, remember that a young Gecko is likely to try and eat the particles of the substrate that you install, which is why sand is not an ideal choice.

Best Substrates for Leopard Gecko

With that being said, here are a couple of ideas that you may be comfortable with.

Option #1: Newspaper/Paper Towel

There are two main perks of installing newspaper or paper towel as a Gecko substrate. The first one is that it comes free or at a very low cost, which will allow you to reallocate your finances to other segments of the tank. Additionally, as it doesn’t feature small particles (like sand), it is ideal if your Gecko is still small and is tempted to eat the substrate.

Keep in mind that this requires some effort, given the fact that damp paper is likely to grow bacteria, which can negatively affect the health of your Leopard Gecko.

Along with this, this type of substrate is gentle on the body of your pet and doesn’t pose a risk for triggering any illness or an injury. No, it doesn’t mimic the natural habitat for a Leopard Gecko, but it is still a budget-friendly, reliable choice!

Option #2: Shelf Liner

Talking about affordable substrate options, our second choice would be shelf liner. The main reason why we recommend this is because it offers fair traction and is safe as long as you choose a non-adhesive, bleach-free product. The best thing about it is that you can easily wash it, and you only need to replace it once every couple of months.

What you will want to make sure is that the shelf liner is thoroughly cleaned, as that is the only way to prevent bacterial growth. While setting it as a substrate may not give your Gecko the ability to burrow, it shouldn’t be a deal-breaker, especially if you are on a limited budget!

Option #3: Bio-Active

There are two options when it comes to a bio-active substrate. The first one is to buy it premade, which may not be the most affordable, but it is certainly a convenient option, especially if you don’t have a lot of time to play around.

If you are more creative and want to engage in some DIY, then buy some earth, rock, and plants. Putting these together in a tank can be incredibly entertaining and rewarding!

Option #4: Stone, Slate, and Tile

Another fantastic substrate option is a combination of stone, slate, and tile (or installing these separately). The main perk of these is the fantastic heat retention, which is perfect for a Gecko that enjoys basking. These can come as an addition to some of the aforementioned substrates, providing variation while allowing your reptile to dig and burrow.

Leopard Gecko Substrates to Avoid

We did our best to highlight a couple of potential substrates that are safe and fun for your Leopard Gecko, as well as easy to clean for you as an owner. With this in mind, there are a couple of products that you should definitely avoid.

Coir (Coconut Fiber)

Yes, it is affordable and long-lasting, but these aren’t the only traits that a substrate should be highlighted by. Coconut fiber is natural and features a number of antimicrobial properties, which would make you think that it is 100% safe for your reptile.

Unfortunately, that is not the case. When it is installed in a semi-arid environment (like most Gecko tanks tend to be), it puts off little dust particles that can enter the respiratory system of your pet and cause huge problems. Not only that, but if the Gecko you own is young and prone to eating the substrate, it is sure to cause impaction.

Wood Chips and Shavings

These are quite a common choice when it comes to bedding for several other pets, including hamsters, rats, rabbits, and even horses. However, the fact that wood shavings can cause skin irritation and that chips are small enough for your reptile to eat them makes it a definite no!


The reason why you should avoid gravel at all costs is quite clear. The texture of it may offer good traction, but it is not gentle on the skin. Also, if it is small, it can be ingested by your Gecko Leopard!

Best Products You Can Get Commercially As Substrates

Zilla Reptile Terrarium Bedding Substrate Liner

Best Substrates for Leopard Gecko (and Substrates to Avoid) 14

Coming in a couple of different variations that you should choose from depending on the size of your Gecko’s terrarium, what you are looking at is a safe-to-use liner substrate. Non-abrasive and with the health of your reptile in mind, it is easy to install and maintain, making it perfect for a newbie!


The first thing that you will want to know is whether this substrate is adequate for your tank. Luckily, as it comes in 10-gallon, 15-20 gallon, 29-gallon, 30-gallon, 50-gallon, 55-gallon, 75-gallon, and 125-gallon options, you shouldn’t have a tough time finding an adequate liner. Not only that, but even if it is too big, you can simply roll it out, cut the excess off, and install it into the bottom of your Gecko terrarium.

This product is incredibly good if your reptile is still young and interested in eating the substrate. As this one is non-digestible, that risk is completely eliminated. Not only that, but as it is treated with bio-enzymes, the liner is odor-free and easy to maintain by washing it with some cold tap water.

No, it doesn’t replicate the natural habitat for a Gecko Leopard, but the fantastic price and convenience that you are getting make the Zilla Reptile Terrarium a good choice!


  • Great price point for good quality
  • Made for small, medium, and large tanks
  • Non-abrasive
  • Featuring bio-enzymes
  • Non-digestible


  • Not a natural product

Zoo Med Excavator Clay Burrowing Substrate

Best Substrates for Leopard Gecko (and Substrates to Avoid) 15

If your idea is to make your reptiles feel like they are living in their natural habitat, then this Zoo Med product is a fantastic choice. As it is all-natural and doesn’t feature any artificial compounds or chemicals, we would recommend it to owners of both juvenile and adult Leopard Geckos!


As we have mentioned above, this is an all-natural substrate that will allow your reptiles to do what they would in a natural environment – dig and burrow. The main question that comes to mind is whether the structure will be able to hold and for how long?

Luckily, the clay that this substrate is highlighted by seems to be quite reliable, and the burrows shouldn’t crack and turn into dust even after drying out. With this in mind, it seems like a safe and fun addition to your pet’s terrarium.

What you should keep in mind is that the maintenance part is a bit fussy due to the fact that both poop and urine are easily absorbed by the clay, which can then present a strong odor. Other than that, there’s not much to put against the Zoo Med Excavator clay, as it is an affordable 10-pound offer that your reptile will love!


  • Affordable price for most people
  • All-natural product
  • Doesn’t collapse
  • Safe for juveniles


  • Fussy maintenance can be frustrating

Zoo Med ReptiFresh Odor Eliminating Substrate

Best Substrates for Leopard Gecko (and Substrates to Avoid) 16

Moving on with our list of the best substrates for Leopard Geckos comes another product from Zoo Med, which is considered to be one of the most recognized names on the market. While it should be used as an addition to the aforementioned Excavator Clay or Zoo Med Sand, it comes as one of the most innovative substrate options on the market!


The first thing that we want to say about this black and gray odor eliminating substrate is that it is completely natural and doesn’t include any artificial dyes or potentially harmful chemicals. Most importantly, this ReptiFresh can offer more than 12 months of continuous use before you will need to replace it.

This product comes in a couple of different sizes, including an 8-pound bag. It also comes in a two-pack, three-pack, and a four-pack, which is a fantastic option for those who enjoy bulk shopping.

It is incredibly simple to use, as you should pour it around 2 inches deep into the sand, only to have more burrowing substrate placed on top of it. The only issue that we have is that it is quite dusty.

Still, if it is at a good depth, it shouldn’t be at risk of your juvenile geckos eating it!


  • Eliminates odor
  • Easy to use
  • Lasts up to 12 months
  • All-natural product


  • Quite dusty – can be an irritant

Hamiledyi Reptile Carpet Natural

Best Substrates for Leopard Gecko (and Substrates to Avoid) 17

While we said earlier that you should avoid products that are made from coconut fiber, this is one among the few exceptions, as Hamiledyi did a fantastic job eliminating all the risks. Thus, this all-natural substrate won’t put off the semi-dust particles that your reptile can eat or inhale. Attractive and convenient, it is a substrate to consider, especially if you are an owner of an adult Gecko!


The first thing that we love about this product is that it is completely natural and not artificially dyed. The convenience that it offers is due to the adaptable sizing. If it is too big, you can roll it out and cut, and if it seemingly lacks size you can stretch it further.

Originally, it measures 19.7 inches in length, 11.8 inches in width, and 0.4 inches in thickness. Non-abrasive and fully absorbing, you won’t have to perform a lot of maintenance other than rinsing it with cold tap water. Still, keep in mind that it can take up to 24 hours for it to fully dry.

Much like the aforementioned substrate, this one offers a natural habitat appearance and is completely odor-free. This means it will be enjoyable for you and your pet!


  • Completely natural product
  • Easy to customize based on needs
  • Attractive look
  • Odor-free and will not affect your gecko


  • Takes 24 hours to completely dry

Zoo Med Eco Earth Loose Substrate

Best Substrates for Leopard Gecko (and Substrates to Avoid) 18

Suitable for different tropical species including the Gecko Leopard, it is made from a renewable source, offering optimal absorption, and an odor-free environment!


It comes as one of the most versatile and natural-looking substrates on the market. Following the instructions, you should be completely free to install it damp, as it offers a fantastic absorption rate and is quite easy to clean with nothing but cold tap water.

It is made out of stretchable coconut fiber. Much like in the case of the aforementioned product, this doesn’t present a risk for your Gecko fiber due to fine designing. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but it also offers an odor-free environment that your reptile will love.

The issue that we have with it is that it is a bit highly priced. Other than that, we can’t say much against this all-natural, customizable gecko substrate!


  • Free of chemicals
  • Can be customized to your preferences
  • Made from a renewable source
  • Traps humidity/great absorption


  • A bit pricey for some people


In the end, it all comes down to ensuring that your Leopard Gecko has the best possible living environment. With this in mind, our personal favorite is the Zoo Med Excavator Clay in combination with the ReptiFresh Odor Eliminating Substrate, as these two work together to provide a healthy, odor-free, and entertaining habitat!

Best Leopard Gecko Starter Kit: 2020’s Best Picks

Best Leopard Gecko Starter Kit -

To be able to keep a leopard gecko at home, you need to have the perfect environment for it to live in. This environment must be as close as possible to the gecko’s natural habitat for it to have a healthy and happy life.

Reptilian pet owners need to take extra care of their little pets, and you need the right habitat to help you do just that. In this review, we will take a closer look at some habitats and add-ons that are available for gecko owners.

If you want to know more about these reptile habitat tanks and accessories, keep on reading and find out.

Best Leopard Gecko Starter Kit Reviews

Exo Terra Glass Natural Terrarium Kit

Best Leopard Gecko Starter Kit: 2020's Best Picks 19

This is a nice sturdy place for your leopard gecko to be safe and at home without too many interruptions. It comes with a wide range of extra features included to make a life for your pet much easier and stress-free.


The front window ventilation makes it quite a safe habitat for your leopard gecko and any other types of reptile. It also provides easy and quick access to the inside of the case for much better environment control and feeding management.

This is also a very safe habitat for reptiles where there are not many holes inside the cage where their feet might get stuck. This will prevent unnecessary injuries to your leopard gecko so they can have a long, happy life.

It is also made from high-quality materials that will not easily scratch to prevent a clear view after some years of use. Also, this cage is designed in such a way that your reptiles will not be able to escape from it any time at all.

With the raised bottom frame of this cage, you will be able to add a substrate heating system to keep it at the right temperature. The whole case is also designed to be waterproof, so it will not allow any extra humidity to penetrate to the inside of the cage, keeping it dry.

It also comes with quite a large interior space to allow for more than one leopard gecko to live in it. The cage is also not too high, which makes it perfect for leopard geckos who do not really climb up high.

The one thing that might not be a good feature is the glass materials. That is because while glass might be durable,  it is also quite heavy, which might be a problem for smaller pet owners.

It might also be potentially dangerous if the glass cracks, which won’t be safe for the reptile inside the cage.


  • Made with a sturdy design
  • Comes with many extra features included
  • It is relatively easy to keep this case clean
  • This kit is very easy to assemble


  • The whole case is made from glass
  • It might be a bit heavy

Natural Terrarium Waterfall Kit From Zoo Med

Best Leopard Gecko Starter Kit: 2020's Best Picks 20

A nice and natural addition to your leopard gecko’s habitat is this waterfall kit to improve your pet’s life experience. This is also a great way to learn all you can about your gecko’s natural ways and habits for great pet relations.


Everything you need to set this kit up in your leopard gecko habitat is included in the package you receive. So when you start installing it inside the cage, you can finish the job in one session without wasting time running around to get parts.

The waterfall feature will be a nice natural addition to the cage for a much better life for your gecko. It will also provide year-round fun for the animal to enjoy life to the fullest and have a pleasant environment to live in.

It will also help maintain the humidity level inside your gecko’s living space so it can have a healthy environment. You can also add some real plants in the habitat with the waterfall to feed the plants instead of just having plastic plants.

This kit is easy to use after you are done installing it and setting it up inside the cage. The pump also runs very quietly, so there will be no disturbance in the natural habitat of your leopard gecko.

To improve your pet gecko’s overall environment, this is the ideal way to go and learn more about your pet in the process. This kit will help improve your pet’s habitat and make the habitat look good in every environment.

However, it is not that good for the reptiles out there that need a much drier environment, so you can only use it with a gecko. This might not be good for those who love to have more than one pet in their cage.

The kit is also quite challenging to install, so you may need someone with some technical experience to help you set it up.


  • Made from high-quality materials
  • Comes with great features
  • Ideal for the leopard gecko environment
  • The pump runs very quitely all the time


  • Not suitable for dryer habitat pets
  • It is a bit difficult to install inside the cage

Excavator Cavern Kit From Zoo Med

Best Leopard Gecko Starter Kit: 2020's Best Picks 21

This kit will improve your leopard gecko’s life quite drastically while providing a great atmosphere to the habitat. This is quite a nice thing to give to your pet to provide a better life for them while having tons of fun.


This kit is excellent for those reptiles who love to burrow and live underground. Your pet will have far more fun and will feel at home if you add this to your gecko’s natural environment.

With this clay substrate, you can easily create a better home for your reptilian pet and give them a fuller life. You also have an instructional booklet included to help you be more creative when designing the dwelling for your pet.

Everything you need to finish the project and have the kit fully installed in the tank is included with the package. So you can have it done without interruption in just one session without wasting too much of your time.

You have a total of 12 pounds of the substrate and a special mixing bag included with the kit to make it even easier for you. There is also a small shuffle and 4 balloons, the balloon kit, and up to 7 inches of tubing for the tunnels.

With this kit, you can have lots of fun creating a new habitat for your leopard gecko to stay in. Overall it is quite a cute way to help improve your pet’s life while you are part of the process.

Unfortunately, it is not really suitable for larger tanks. You will have to add more clay, which will add money to the project, which might be a problem for those on a tight budget.

This type of kit inside the habitat will take some effort to keep clean, and you need extra time to do that.


  • Made to last for a long time
  • It is quite easy to install in the tank
  • Will provide some distraction for your pet
  • A great method of bonding with your pet


  • Not really suitable for larger tanks
  • Takes a lot of effort to keep it neat

Leopard Gecko Starter Kit From Exo Terra

Best Leopard Gecko Starter Kit: 2020's Best Picks 22

This complete kit is just what your pet gecko needs to make life so much more fun for it. The kit may cost some extra money right from the startup, but it means you have everything your reptilian pet will need for its new home and happy life.


This is the ideal starter kit for your new juvenile leopard gecko. Everything you need to get started is included with the package and more than you need for a healthy beginner kit.

Also included with this set are day-night lights to alternate between the day and night for a great habitat. You also have a thermometer included so you can easily keep track of the temperature and adjust accordingly.

The whole tank is made from high-quality materials to help it last for a very long time, even if you have a new generation of geckos. Even the food supplements are included to keep your leopard and other gecko species healthy and happy.

With the included heating mat, you can easily create a nice habitat for your gecko to make the animal’s simple life better. With the kit, you can have a cold and dark area as well as a warm and lighted area for your gecko.

Overall, the kit is ideal for those who have just started out with a new reptilian pet to keep it healthy and happy in the environment. This will also be a great way to learn all you can about these very interesting reptilian species and how they survive.

This tank is a bit small when it comes to raising a gecko to full adulthood and to add all the parts of the kit. You will need to go for a much larger tank when your leopard gecko gets to an older age to accommodate it adequately.

This kit’s lack of instructions may also cause some difficulty when you start to assemble it for use.


  • Comes with great features
  • It is made from high-quality materials
  • This kit is very easy to use
  • It is ideal for a juvenile gecko


  • The tank is a bit on the small side
  • Lack of instructions may cause difficulty

Day And Night Desert Lighting Kit From Zoo Med

Best Leopard Gecko Starter Kit: 2020's Best Picks 23

This will help to add to the light your leopard gecko is exposed to, to add some extra heat to the environment. If you place these lights right, you might not need to have a heating pad for that extra bit of heat in one corner.


This light’s dome is made from polished aluminum to help increase the output of the bulbs by up to 30 percent. The material it is made of will help to improve the longevity of the lamp kit to last for quite some time.

It is equipped with dual ceramic sockets to hold two bulbs of up to 100 watts without melting or overheating. This feature will also help to make the sockets and the bulbs last longer without generating excess heat.

While the lamp kit’s design is such that it will not overheat, it still generates enough heat for your gecko. This means with these lights in the corner of the tank, your pet will have some extra warmth to help control its body temperature.

The deep design of the aluminum dome will help keep the bulbs from extruding outside the dome’s parameter. This will help keep the gecko safe from getting too close to the bulbs and accidentally burning.

Included with the kit is a white light to serve as a basking spotlight at up to 75 watts. Also included is a nocturnal infrared heat lamp that also produces up to 75 watts for the night environment.

Unfortunately, these bulbs may not have a very long life of illumination, so you need to replace them often. This means the overall maintenance cost of the gecko habitat may just soar quite a bit.

It might cause some discomfort to the gecko if it gets too close to the lamp, so care of placement is also essential.


  • The radiant lights will provide enough light
  • Two bulbs are included in the package
  • Great to add some heat to the tank
  • The cover extrudes far to protect your gecko


  • The light bulbs may have a very short life
  • The light might cause the gecko some discomfort when too close to it


This review’s winner is the relatively large Exo Terra glass natural terrarium kit with great features included. It also comes with everything you need to provide a healthy environment for your leopard gecko.

Next in the lineup is the Exo Terra leopard gecko starter kit with all the extras included. It might be a bit small, but it is ideal for a juvenile leopard gecko.

Best Leopard Gecko Light- Complete Review Guide 2020

leopard gecko light

Best Leopard Gecko Light 2020

leopard gecko lives in the dry rocky grasslands of Afghanistan, northwest Pakistan and India. Today they are popular as pets due to their small size and easy care. They are easily bred in captivity, as they are gentle, docile and rarely bite.

The captive lizards have a variety of colours and patterns on their skin unlike the ones in the wild. They don’t have sticky toe pads, but have eyelids unlike the other lizards, therefore can’t climb walls.

They need a warm, moist and well-ventilated terrarium to live in. Provide them with half logs for hiding and climbing. They are active during the night and mostly sleep during the day. So care should be given to the lighting of their habitat.

Best Leopard Gecko Light

Moonlight Bulb – Leopard Gecko light

  • Pack of 4 Exo Terra Night-Glo Moonlight A19 Lamp, 75-Watt
  • Moonlight lamp; Simulates natural moonlight
  • Provides tropical night time temperatures
  • Stimulates breeding behaviour in reptiles and amphibians
  • A19 bulb; Combine with Repti-Glo or Sun-Glo for a 24-hour cycle Perfect for nocturnal viewing. leopard gecko light

There are many ways to keep the environment healthy in the terrarium. You need to keep in mind that temperature plays a major role in light, as they both provide heat.

  • Therefore, if you are using a mat heater, do not use UV lights.
  • A small blue bulb can provide light to help it roam in the habitat and also allow you to watch your pet’s movements and not disturb it.
  • Mat heaters are recommended as the reptiles lie on their stomach and absorb the heat as they aren’t basking animals. One of the best leopard gecko light available in 2020.

UV lights for Leopard Gecko

  • This leopard gecko light is PERFECT DAYLIGHT BULB FOR YOUR CRITTER: Powerful source of heat and UVA / UVB / visible light – completely self-ballasted (no harmful UVC). Our mercury vapour bulb provides animals warmth & vitamin production necessary for health – just like daylight
  • IDEAL FOR A WIDE VARIETY OF REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS: Our UVA UVB reptile light is ideal for bearded dragons, tortoises, turtles, geckos, snakes (pythons, boas, etc.), iguanas, lizards, chameleons, frogs, toads & more. An excellent reptile bulb!
  • COMPATIBLE WITH ALL ENCLOSURES: Our large UVA UVB bulb is compatible with a variety of enclosures, including vivariums, tanks, terrariums, vision cages, and more. Perfect for those in need of reptile UVB light and UVB bulbs (light for reptiles)

These lights or sunlight does not hurt the animals, but you need to provide hiding places in their enclosure.  A UV light can heat up the environment and also aid in their calcium absorption. Be careful to maintain the day temperature at 24C/ 75F and their basking spot at 31C/ 88F. T8 bulbs should be replaced every 6 months and T5 bulbs every 9 months.

Ceramic Heat Emitter

  • ✔ This 100W black infrared heat lamp is made of solid ceramics element, it has a perfect heat radiation feature and no light emitted. Great for pet, lizard, coop, chicken, turtle, snake, chameleon, bearded dragon, aquarium, with one digital thermometer included
  • ✔ This ceramic heat lamp is simple and easy to install, just screw it into a standard porcelain E27 screw socket (ATTENTION: Use only with a porcelain socket, because the plastic socket may melt the lamp holder)
  • ✔ This heat lamp’s input voltage is AC 90-120V, power is 100-Watts, full size is diameter 3.15-inch x height 4.13 inch
  • ✔ This ceramic heat emitter bulb is 24hr heat source, with 100% efficiency, perfect for reptiles and amphibians. It could last 9000-15,000 hours, even longer.
  • ✔ This bulb‘s surface temperature is very high when working, please do not use your hand to test the temperature. Do not touch the heat lamp immediately after turning off, please wait at least 1 hour to cool down. Also please adjust the distance between the heat lamp/leopard gecko light and the pets.

These provide direction heat but no light. They are a safe, economical and effective way of providing heat to the reptile constantly. Using a wire clamp lamp will ensure that the ceramic heat emitter does not overheat. One of the best leopard gecko light available in 2020.

Zoo Med’s Basking combo pack

  • Daylight spotlight and an infrared heat light for leopard gecko
  • Spot lamp emits a concentrated heat source for basking reptiles
  • The infrared bulb is a 24-hour heat source perfect for nocturnal reptiles

This pack includes 2 bulbs for day and night heating.

Repti Basking Spot Lamp: This lamp is for day time. It has a patented computer designed “double reflector” focusing 35% more light/ heat in the beam and can last for 2000  hours.

Nocturnal Infrared Heat lamp: This is a 75 Watt leopard gecko light gives 24-hour heat and is excellent for viewing the animals.

Exo Terra Heat-Glo Infrared leopard gecko light

  • Pack of 4 Exo Terra Heat-Glo Infrared Spot Lamp, 75-Watt/120-Volt
  • A powerful source of infrared heat emissions
  • Increases overall air temperature of the terrarium
  • Ideal for nocturnal viewing
  • Can be combined with Exo Terra Repti-Glo or Sun-Glo bulbs

This bulb emits infrared heat and the spot lamp has a built-in reflector for giving heat I any particular direction. This leopard gecko light does not prevent any normal activity of the animals and provides heat which increases the sir temperature helping in their digestion. They can be combined with Daytime Heat Lamp or Night Heat Lamp.

Some common leopard gecko lights available in the market

Exo Terra Sun-Glo Basking Spot Lamp

This is a 100- watt broad-spectrum daylight leopard gecko light with a Neodymium sleeve. It gives the animals a more natural appearance and stimulates breeding. It directs the heat to one spot creating a basking site in the terrarium. It has a thermal efficiency of 93%. It can be combined with a Night Glo or Heat Glo Bulbs for maintaining a 24-hour cycle.

Zoo Med Day & Night Combo Pack Reptile Bulbs

It includes one daylight blue and one nightlight red 60-watt bulbs.

Daylight Blue: Is a 60-watt bulb for heating the terrarium. As it is an uncoated blue glass it has better heat transfer and better burn life.

Nightlight Red: This is a true red glass heat lamp and is perfect for viewing the nighttime behaviour of the animals. It is also a 60-watt bulb with long-lasting burn life.

Zoo Med Mini Combo Deep Dome Reptile Lamp Fixture

This product gives you two fixtures in one dome providing maximum convenience.  It has a polished aluminium dome which increases the light and the UV output by 30%. The dual ceramic sockets allow two 100 watt bulbs, one a Basking Spot Lamp or a Power Sun UV lamp and one Nightlight Heat Lamp. The deep dome prevents the lamps from sticking out.

PowerSun H.I.D

This provides daylight and helps in day time viewing. It provides high heat. It can provide both UVB and UVA light to the reptiles essential for their bones and promoting natural behaviours.

Zoo Med PowerSun UV Bulb

This helps in giving both UVB and UVA light. It provides high heat and helps in basking of the reptiles. It is used in large terrariums. It fits into one ceramic socket.

Zoo Med Repti Halogen Bulbs

This bulb gives 15% more heat, light and UVA output than other basking lamps. It is specifically for reptiles but has a low burn out point and doesn’t last for long.

Daylight blue

This establishes visible daylight which is essential for their natural light circle and should be used for 12-14 hours in a day. It gives low heat and provides UVA light which helps in promoting natural behaviours.

Zoo Med’s Moonlite Reptile Bulb

This bulb provides moonlight lighting for viewing reptiles at night. The light does not interfere with their sleeping patterns and is made of pure deep blue glass which is neither painted or coated in blue. It provides 24-hour heat to the animals.

Reptisun 5.0

this light is perfect for all kinds of reptiles and amphibians. The Mini Compact Fluorescent lamps have special UVB transmitting Quartz glass for maximum UVB penetration. They can be threaded into standard sockets and the lamps can be placed either vertically or horizontally in the fixtures. This light prevents bone diseases and the light helps in increasing feeding and mating processes.

Arcadia Natural Sunlight 2% UVB lamp

These lamps give the better stimulating level of sunlight to the reptiles and snakes. A healthy amount of UVA and UVB rays are given to the animals. This lamp recreates the natural environment of the animals by providing the amount of UV received from the natural sun.

This light helps the reptiles in synthesizing vitamin D3 which helps them to absorb the calcium in their diet, thus leading to strong bones.

This leopard gecko light produces excellent natural colours.

Important notes for mimicking natural light environment

  1. Since these reptiles sleep for the most part of the day, daytime light is not very important, but a heat source needs to be provided. It is very important to provide proper heat to the tank; therefore, you may use a standard light bulb as a source of light provided you have under tank heaters.
  2. Do not provide your natural light coming from your windows as your light cycle is different from their natural habitat light cycle. Therefore try to mimic their light cycle, meaning in summers provide 14 hours of light and 10 hours of darkness, while in winters equal hours of light and darkness. When transiting from summer to winter make sure you do it gradually with a 15-30-minute interval in 4-8 weeks.
  3. A basking light can provide heat as well as light so you won’t have to purchase different types of lights.
  4. UVB are generally not required but the lizards feel better when exposed to few hours to a full spectrum UV bulb. It helps in avoiding skeletal-related diseases like metabolic bone disease, as they are kept indoors away from their natural habitat.
  5. Avoid using bright lights as this stresses and irritates the animals.
  6. If your terrarium is not maintaining correct heat use an infrared heat lamp. This will provide heat and the light will not disturb the animals.
  7. Avoid using hot rocks as they can get very hot, also these animals do not move often and keep lying they may get burned.
  8. Humidity in the tank should be maintained at 20%-40% to help the reptiles shed properly. You can maintain the humidity by keeping a bowl of water or a moist moss in the tank and check humidity levels on a regular basis by a hygrometer.
  9. Lack of humidity can cause dehydration, constricted circulation, loss of weight and no hunger leading to their death.
  10. Maintain a heat gradient in the tank, meaning a hot side and a cool side. This a great way to prevent the reptile from getting overheated or becoming too cold as they can move from one side to another for enjoying the different temperatures. Thus use a thermometer for both sides to help regulate the temperatures.
  11. Monitoring of the tank temperatures should be done every day. The heat provided is also dependent on the outside room temperature where the terrarium is kept.


The Albino morphs have naturally sensitive eyes, therefore should not be exposed to UV light. Since albinism causes the skin and eyes to be very sensitive to light. Care should be taken when providing light to the tank. Using an incandescent bulb or an LED panel can help the animal differentiate between daytime and nighttime.

Leopard Gecko Vivarium Habitat – Complete Details

Domesticating a reptile might sound bizarre to some people initially, but leopard geckos are among the first reptiles to be domesticated. They are the reptilian version of goldfish and parakeet. Owners are very concerned with leopard gecko Vivarium habitat setup.

Leopard geckos are among the first lizards which were considered so attractive that they soon a popular pet. Apart from their attractive skin, these lizards are easy to care for, long-lived with a perfect size and a potentially robust breeder.

An average leopard gecko fledging is about 6cm long and they grow up to the size of 20-25cm. A leopard gecko with a fat tail is considered healthy and you should avoid buying one with a thin tail.

They have a lifespan of about 8 years. Unlike the conventional lizard, leopard geckos lack adhesive toe pads. Leopard geckos are originally found in the humid and harsh areas of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and India.

When it comes to petting these lizards, housing plays a pivotal role in the growth and well being of your leopard gecko. There are certain products available in the market for housing your Leo commonly known as leopard gecko vivarium.

Choosing an ideal vivarium for your gecko might sound easy but certain aspects shall be taken into consideration while doing so.

  • Leopard gecko vivarium size –

    A solid leopard gecko Vivarium habitat with a capacity of around 10 gallons is an ideal sized tank for your gecko. Roughly, with every Leo you add, an additional of 5 gallons is required in order to ensure the healthy growth of the reptile. Leopard geckos prefer vivarium which are longer rather than the shallow ones because they stay on the ground and do not require tall and narrow tanks like chameleons.

  • Leopard Gecko Vivarium material

    – Majorly, there are three types of vivarium available in the market for your leopard gecko. These vivariums are defined as Glass, plastic and wooden vivarium.

  1. Glass vivarium

    – Glass tanks are a classic option for providing housing to your leopard gecko. These have the highest visibility and are easy to disinfect as they are easy to clean. The issue with glass vivarium is that they are not durable and are brittle. This vivarium cannot be altered with any new fitting and holes.

  2. Plastic vivarium-

    These leopard gecko vivariums are made out of PVC or ABS plastic which is very popular among the customer because of their durability and adaptability. These tanks are comparatively lighter and easy to manage. They can be altered with drilling and other adjustments. Plastic tanks are relatively cheaper when compared to glass ones. The cons of this tank are that it is hard to maintain because they are more prone to scratching.

  3. Wooden vivarium-

    Wooden leopard gecko vivarium is the cheapest among all of these as it is enclosed by wooden sheets from three sides. These tanks are easily available but they lack hygiene as wood is porous which leads to water absorption. This makes it a really tough task to disinfect until you use the waterproof coating.

leopard gecko

Leopard gecko vivarium ventilation and access 

Ventilation plays an important role in managing the reptiles as the adequate passage of air is required in the vivarium.

There are two major types of ventilation commonly known as active and passive ventilation or a combination of both, Passive ventilation is achieved through covering the lid or a part of it while active ventilation is done through electronic ventilators.

Tank access is the passage to access the tank which is of two types- from the upside of the vivarium and the downside of the vivarium.

Downside access is discouraged as there are greater chances of the reptile to escape in that, Upside access is a natural condition which helps them imitate their natural habitat.

  • Humidity and water for leopard gecko Vivarium-

    since leopard geckos are originally from Asia, they require hot and humid climate which shall be replicated in the vivarium in order to ensure the best of their health. Failing to do so would lead to complications with the Leo shedding its skin, preparing its burrow and reproducing. Without the ample amount of humidity, the reptile would not be able to reproduce in a robust manner and the shedding of skin would not take place consistently.

  • The temperature for leopard gecko vivarium-

    Reptiles are well known for their exothermal tendencies which means that their body temperature depends on the outer stimulation. Leopard gecko requires two different intensity of temperature in the vivarium to maintain their body temperature (75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit).

  • Lightning for leopard gecko vivarium-

    Leopard geckos are nocturnal reptiles, so adequate lightning cycles have to be maintained. Suitable lighting devices are also available for leopard gecko vivarium to propagate healthy lifestyle and behavior of your

Considering the sensitivity of these reptiles and the care which is to be maintained while petting these reptiles, these aspects are to be thoroughly taken care of in order to maintain healthy wellbeing of your leopard gecko.